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A photo of Dave, a tutor from Regis University


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I graduated from Golden Gate University with a BSIT degree and received my master's of science degree from Regis University.
I have enjoyed a great career in information security and cyber risk management and I am proud to be able to help others in their journey. I enjoy tutoring all areas of information and cyber security, with an emphasis on tutoring security certifications.
Outside of tutoring, I try to travel as often as possible, weightlifting and yoga, and collecting Old World wines.

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Dave’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: Regis University - Master of Science, Information Operations/Joint Information Operations


Travel, photography, working out, wine tasting and wine collecting.

Tutoring Subjects

Certified Ethical Hacker

CISM - Certified Information Security Manager

CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional

Cyber Security

Information Technology

Technical Certifications

Technology and Coding

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