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A photo of Annette, a tutor from University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee


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It is my experience that student engagement is the key to successful teaching and tutoring. If students find the material interesting and relevant, they will participate in learning. In order to reach students where they are, it is important for me to understand their learning process. From my experience, it is clear that students have many styles of learning. Students come to the classroom with a wide variety of previous experience, skills, aptitudes, and preferences. I try to provide instruction tailored to each student the best way I can; by getting to know the student.

I have implemented multiple modes of teaching so that all students would have an opportunity to learn in their preferred style. In my classroom, I want to develop an atmosphere of mutual respect that fosters an environment of collaboration rather than competition so students can work together and learn from each other. I respect the effort that the students expend to learn by providing clear expectations, assignments, and readings, along with positive reinforcement and encouragement.

Being a tutor is a responsibility that I take very seriously. I have a simple and pragmatic philosophy of engagement, respect, and relationship that I bring to all of my courses and interactions with students. I want to make learning fun, because through play, we learn, and this kind of education stays with us forever.

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Annette’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Degree: University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Bachelor, Anthropology and Comparative Literature

Degree: University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Master's/Graduate, Foreign Language and Literature

Degree: Dominican University - Doctorate (PhD), Library Science


I love the humanities: art, literature, language, history! I am a librarian by profession and passion, and love to read and talk about books! I love to garden, bike ride, paint, and write literary theory! I also love walks on warm days, swimming, and my cats!

Tutoring Subjects

Adult Literacy


Comparative Literature



French 2

French 3

French 4



Middle School Reading

Middle School Writing


Social Sciences

World Literature


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