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A photo of Travis, a tutor from Delaware State University


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I am very enthusiastic about tutoring mathematics. I gained most of my tutoring/teaching experience at Delaware State University in the mathematics department. While there I ended up tutoring many different math classes to an overwhelming amount of students over and over again. This repetition left me with a more solid understanding of several math concepts which now allows me to easily explain almost any math concept in the best possible way for a student to easily grasp. I find satisfaction in teaching a student something new and watching the moment when the understanding sets in and the stress that normally comes with math dissolves away.

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Travis’ Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Delaware State University - Bachelor of Science, Mathematics


I have loved video games since I was a kid and probably wont ever stop loving them. I have a regular DND game same night each week. I get into the gym 4 nights a week to combat my couch potato habits. I am always learning to cook new things.

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2


College Algebra

College Math

Discrete Math

Elementary School Math

Finite Mathematics


Grade 10 Math

Grade 11 Math

Grade 9 Mathematics


Math 1

Math 2

Math 3



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