Phytochemistry teaches students how to identify possible pharmacological agents in natural sources and isolate them for use in drugs and other medicines. The class entails significant lab work plus rote memorization of several topics, making it a rigorous curriculum that many students struggle with. If that describes you, Varsity Tutors can refer you to an experienced Phytochemistry tutor who can help unlock your academic potential.
Here are some of the most important concepts you may review during Phytochemistry tutoring sessions:
- Defining the Physicochemical Properties of Natural Compounds (including Alkaloids and Glycosides)
- Using Chromatography to Separate Potential Active Ingredients From Their Natural Sources
- Identifying Active Ingredient(s) Contained in a Mixture
- Identifying a Substance's Potential Side Effects and Possible Workarounds
- How to Deal With Poisoning and Potential Substances of Abuse
- Potential Cancer Treatments
- Hallucinogenic Drugs
That's a lot, but it all starts with identifying the properties of compounds found in nature. If you're having a hard time memorizing all of the different alkaloids and glycosides, your Phytochemistry tutor may make you flashcards to make the information easier to visualize. Each card can contain a compound's name, source, and therapeutic effects, giving you all of the information you need to study in one convenient study.