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A photo of Eudora, a tutor from CUNY Queens College


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Hi, my name is Eudora and I'm eager to help my students achieve academic success in the future to come. I have a Bachelors Degree from CUNY Queens College in European Studies and a Masters Degree in Special Education grades K-12 and Informational Sciences. I have been teaching for about 10 years and my favorite subjects are pre-algebra, middle school math, social studies (Global History, European Studies, Geography, and United States History), Reading Comprehension, Writing, Public Speaking, Phonics, and Literacy. I have tutored for many years and many of my students have gone above and beyond. It is my duty as an educator to make sure that my students receive the best quality of work. My classwork is differentiated and I'm able to meet the needs of all learners. Please reach out to me if you're interested in my services. I have many years of working with students with disabilities. I'm familiar with IEPs and 504s. I use goals to help students reach max potential. I also have 5 years experience teaching GED courses for adult learners. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

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Eudora’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: CUNY Queens College - Bachelors, European Studies and Political Science

Graduate Degree: Long Island University-C W Post Campus - Masters, Special Education K-12


Zumba, Swimming, and enjoying movie time with my husband

Tutoring Subjects


Essay Editing

GED Prep

GED Math

GED Reasoning Through Language Arts

GED Science

GED Social Studies

High School English

High School Writing

Middle School Writing


Special Education

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

My personal educational philosophy started off with this quote since graduating from undergraduate school in my teacher preparation pathway to get my teacher certification. My futurist ideology for my beliefs about how students learn best, and the importance of science and technology are my driving forces, and are central to my core beliefs. However, when one sees their students walking across the stage at graduation, after those moments in which you felt that moment was going to be impossible, one's heart warms that the work is so much fun. It was fun to do the impossible. Through the last century, these fields have grown exponentially, and there is a high need to educate our youth in these focus fields if we want them to remain competitive with their peers. It was once said flight was impossible, how would one ever get so much solid matter in the air? Now we can fly from New York to California in 5.5 hours. Thanks to the individuals that looked at an impossible task and problem solved as a team to develop and innovate. Just as we can overcome the limitations of the physical world, we as teachers need to overcome the struggles that we face in the community and classroom every day. The ideal setting is in which leadership, teachers, and students work together to imagine the dreams and needs of each other. These sparks of imagination align into an action plan that drives innovation. Through careful quality control and tight organization these ideas materialize into innovations that can change the world. Our system of education is now showing signs that it is broken, huge initiatives and shifts have threatened the classroom teacher, which in turn, has translated into a deflation of value for the teacher role and their work. Diluting the value of the profession, while asking teachers to do more, makes the impossible seem so much more impossible and less "fun." Our students are the future, our teachers inspire the future. The only way to lead students on the path to college is to teach self-discovery and ownership of their dreams, in addition to self-regulation giving them the toolbox to meet goals to fulfil their dreams. I still believe that STEM is the heart and basis of progress for our future as a whole, and we need individuals to become masters of those fields to solve critical problems we are facing today. However, the focal point of education in the current climate is to teach a content for academic purposes, as measured by standardized examinations. I see teaching as a science, only through observation, experimentation, collecting data, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions/reflections can an educator truly understand the impact they have on students. Keeping the end results in mind is key to planning for making the impossible possible. Clear objectives and action plans are what make all scientific endeavors towards innovation possible. Through careful backwards planning, keeping the end assessment in mind, and reacting towards qualitative and quantitative data can a teacher be highly effective. Finally, without Leader-Teacher teams to make the impossible possible, the support structure cannot go forward. Leader-Teacher teams align the mission and allow for committed collaboration and feedback to drive development that improves practice so that the impact teachers have is a personal commitment from a team. In summation, "There is a great big beautiful tomorrow, shining at the end of every day." The only way to make this tomorrow a reality is by preparing the next generation for the challenges of tomorrow, and at the center frame keeping Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math a critical focus for all students, with equal access and support so that all students have opportunity to feel success. Our students have dreams, and that's the start, we as teachers provide them the tools with mind and heart, and when their dreams become a reality, it's a dream come true for you and me. Making the impossible possible is our job as teachers and leaders at the school building, let's make it fun.

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