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A photo of Robin, a tutor from The University of Texas at Austin


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Engage the student; instill confidence; explain why the skill is useful(aside from the obvious); get to the core of the problem; try to make it fun.

My entire career has been devoted to "knowledge transfer" and much of that has been in the field of education. After receiving a B.A. from the University of Texas in English Literature, and an M.A. from Rutgers University in Comparative Literature, I worked in the corporate world as a writer and trainer.

Most recently I have had the opportunity to teach at the university, high school, and middle school levels. I have tutored privately and I have participated in after-school educational programs. In addition, I have worked with children as a Director for school and summer theater programs.

My favorite subjects to tutor are reading and writing. The ability to communicate (and reading is receiving communication) is one of the most important skills we can have. As I told the budding scientists in my writing classes at F.I.T., "your ability to communicate well will determine whether you are working in the lab or running the lab."

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Robin’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: The University of Texas at Austin - Bachelor in Arts, English Literature

Graduate Degree: Rutgers University-New Brunswick - Master of Arts, Comparative Literature


Theatre, Dance, Yoga

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