Award-Winning Russian Courses & Classes in Nashville, TN

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If you're looking for a top-notch Nashville Russian course to help you work on your language acquisition skills, Varsity Tutors would be more than happy to help set you up with Nashville Russian course opportunities. Russian is the native language of over 150 million people in the world. It is one of the official languages of the United Nations and the official language of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Russia. There are thought to be 265 million Russian speakers around the world who speak it as a first or second language.

There are many reasons one might want to learn Russian. Perhaps you're planning a trip to a Russian-speaking country. You'll want to be able to carry on a conversation with the people there, even if all you know how to do is ask for directions or be able to order food to eat. You may be a professional who wants to change your current career path. Learning Russian could open up new job opportunities to you that you previously weren't qualified for. Being bilingual is a skill which is highly sought after by large companies. Maybe you're a student attending a school such as McGavock High School or Hunters Lane Comprehensive High School. You'll probably need to take a language course to graduate. Supplemental Russian lessons can help you work towards building a strong foundation for your future Russian courses. Perhaps you're an older student attending Vanderbilt University and you're having a hard time with Russian literature. A highly qualified instructor can help you to master the material.

What skills or content can be covered in a Nashville Russian class?

There are many unfamiliar concepts you may encounter when studying Russian, all of which can be covered in one of these courses. For example, you may be unfamiliar with the concept of gendered nouns. Russian nouns are considered to be masculine, feminine, and neuter. If your first language doesn't have gendered words, this can be confusing.

Additionally, the Russian alphabet may be difficult to learn at first. There are 32 letters, plus the soft sign. This alphabet is also known as the Cyrillic alphabet. One of the benefits of learning Russian is that the pronunciation is fairly simple since everything is spelled phonetically.

You may also need assistance in understanding the case system used in the Russian language. In English, nouns have relationships with other words based on where they are in the sentence. In Russia, the case of the noun tells you what the relationships are.

Your instructor can also assist you with conversational practice, writing skills, and your ability to read Russian. These skills should be practiced fairly consistently if you wish to work towards becoming fluent.

No matter which skills you want to work on, we have a class that will help you.

What are the benefits of a Nashville Russian course?

When you sign up for our online courses, you'll be able to access a live, interactive course anywhere you can find a computer and internet. The virtual classroom allows you to see, hear, and speak to your teacher as if you are in the same room. You also have the opportunity to speak with classmates. This can allow you to participate in group discussions or activities. For example, your teacher may assign you to work on a peer editing project with a partner or group of people. This exercise will help you with composing and editing written Russian. Collaborating with peers in this manner can help you retain the knowledge of the skill you're working on for a longer period of time. It also makes it more fun. If you ever find yourself struggling, you have the option of requesting some one-on-one time with your teacher to ask questions.

At Varsity Tutors, we offer two-week courses and four-week courses. We have new sessions beginning every month so you can get started pretty quickly after you sign up. Not only do our Nashville Russian courses provide a helpful and collaborative environment, but they also provide you an opportunity to save money.

How do I get signed up to start a Nashville Russian class?

Learning a new language can be difficult, but we're here to support you in your efforts. If you're ready to get started, contact our educational consultants either online or on the phone. They'll answer your questions, take the time to discern your particular needs, and help sign you up for the right options to assist you in reaching for your goals. Call Varsity Tutors now and let us get you enrolled in a Nashville Russian class.

Contact us today to connect with a top Nashville Russian instructor