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A photo of Christian, a tutor from Cornell University


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As a Teacher knowledgeable of the needs of Students With Disabilities, my duty has been to ensure the success of all students under my charge. I've been very adamant about advocating for better placement, accommodation, and services for all students, as SPED pedagogy is not only beneficial to SPED students, but general students as a whole. I have been mindful of the 60/40 Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) compliance compositions, Individualized Education Plan (IEP) setting compliance, and above all, delivery of services by a SPED instructor.

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Christian’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Cornell University - Bachelors, Spanish Literature

Graduate Degree: CUNY City College - Current Grad Student, Students With Disabilities, Generalist



Tutoring Subjects


College English

College Geography

College Level American History

Comparative Literature

Elementary Math

Elementary School Math


Essay Editing


High School English

High School Geography

High School Level American History


Homework Support




Middle School Math





Social Studies

Spanish 1

Special Education

Test Prep


Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

As a teacher knowledgeable of the needs of Students With Disabilities, my duty has been to ensure the success of all students under my charge. I've been very adamant about advocating for better placement, accommodation, and services for all students, as SPED pedagogy is not only beneficial to SPED students, but general students as a whole. I have been mindful of the 60/40 Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) compliance compositions, Individualized Education Plan (IEP) setting compliance, and above all, delivery of services by a SPED instructor.

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