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A photo of Keirstin, a tutor from Northeastern Illinois University


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I like to adapt my teaching style to best fit the needs of every person who joins me in a session. Sometimes people learn best with visual aids and others just need things explained in a different way than they had been previously taught.
I usual teach utilizing leading questions, rather than providing an answer. I've found this is the best way to enhance critical thinking skills while also helping the student learn the topic they are currently working on.

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Keirstin’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Northeastern Illinois University - Bachelor of Science, Psychology


My interests and hobbies are reading, writing and exploring my local area. My favorite thing to do is go to quiet cafes to relax and work efficiently. I enjoy photography, poetry, comedies, painting and relaxing at home.

Tutoring Subjects

College Application Essays

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

High School English

High School Writing


Middle School English

Middle School Writing



Social Sciences


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