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A photo of Melissa, a tutor from Bradley University


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I have wanted to be a teacher since I was 8 years old. I am incredibly passionate about teaching, and always have been. I believe that learning about the world around us is one of the best ways that we can improve it, and being a part of that for the young people of today is incredibly important to me. I have worked with students in a variety of environments, from outdoor education programs to traditional classroom teaching. I have a bachelor of science degree in secondary history and social studies education with a minor in women and gender studies. I currently teach middle school science, and I love it! I tutor in a variety of subjects including, but not limited to, history and social studies, elementary core subjects, and my personal favorite, personal finance. I am also available for assistance preparing for standardized tests.

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Melissa’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Bradley University - Bachelor of Science, Social Studies Teacher Education


In my free time, I like weight lifting, running, aerial yoga, going to museums, and spending time with my family including my cat, Grayson.

Tutoring Subjects



European History

GED Prep

GED Social Studies

High School English

High School World History


Personal Finance

Social Studies

Test Prep

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