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Certified Tutor
Certified Tutor
I earned my BA in Secondary Education with a teaching certification for Spanish for K - 12th grade from New Jersey City Universtiy. I have previously taught ESL students, computer classes, and tutored at the community college level. I've also worked as a high school Spanish teacher.
Hermine Marshall once said "Teachers need to discover new perspectives and new solutions to the problems of learning, ultimately improving the learning environment, by restructuring the frame through which they perceive a problem and generating alternative metaphors." No student learns exactly the same way. Students must trust you as a tutor so they can tell you how they best learn. I always want my students to feel comfortable in their learning environment.
I include exercises that are relatable for students in our sessions. I want to help students build connections and scaffold the learning. When learning a language, culture plays a huge part, so I want to relate the learning to Spanish culture as much as possible.
In my spare time I enjoy painting, trekking, and soccer.
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