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A photo of Valerie, a tutor from University of Chicago


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I am an undergraduate student at the University of Chicago majoring in Classics and Theatre. However, my college uses the core curriculum and as a result, I've had a well-rounded, eclectic education covering everything from math to fine arts. I've won awards in community service, dance, and film, but most notably, 20 writing prizes before I reached eighteen. I was a National Merit Semi-Finalist in high school and I've had a passion for education and the art of learning since I was a child. I hope to instill in my students the love of amassing knowledge, excelling in your studies, and walking out of a test feeling like you rocked it. I especially had a passion for the Critical Reading and the Writing portions of the SAT's and the SAT 2 in Literature. I have teaching experience with everything from stand-up comedy to Emergency Medical Services to tap dancing, and I've been told that I am unmatched in my enthusiasm. In my free time, I like to perform sketch and improv comedy, dance, play the banjo, and volunteer in my local hospital.

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Valerie’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Chicago - Bachelor in Arts, Classics, Theatre

Test Scores

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1540

SAT Math: 730

SAT Verbal: 740

SAT Writing: 780


Improv, stand-up, and sketch comedy, dance, EMT work, banjo, reading, and running.

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