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A photo of Jeff, a tutor from San Diego State University


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"Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand." Einstein

I've always had an extremely high math aptitude. I enjoy not only solving problems, but approaching them with a high degree of efficiency that is easy to extrapolate to anyone willing to learn. I tutored many friends in high school and in college, and even managed to teach a child diagnosed with ADD to become one of the top of her class at her elementary school. Anyone with the willingness to learn can be taught. Since college I played poker professionally and I am presently a portfolio manager in the stock market. My life has always centered around the world of mathematics, efficiency, and logic. In second grade, at my elementary school, I was asked to tutor some of the 5th graders in math. Weeks later they skipped me a grade. By 13 years old I taught myself Euclidean Geometry, Calculus at 16. During the summer I enjoy going out bodysurfing when the water temperature permits. I try to go out for runs on the beach during the entire year. In the mornings I watch the stock market and keep up with the news of the day.

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Jeff’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: San Diego State University - Bachelor of Science, Applied Mathematics emphasis in Electrical Engineering


Playing Tennis, Bodysurfing, Running, Hiking, Traveling, Health and Fitness, Attending Sporting Events, Playing Poker, Studying Mathematics

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