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Hi there! My name is Nile Adhami and I scored a 174 (99th percentile) on my first official LSAT administration. I believe that anyone can learn to master the LSAT with the right preparation. I am currently a senior at Georgetown University where I study government, and am planning on heading to law school this upcoming year. I want to make studying for the LSAT a fun and enjoyable experience - we will have a great time together! The LSAT is awesome when approached in the right way.

I have extensive experience working with students - tutoring friends at my university and giving advice on how to crush the LSAT. I also have experience in the law school admissions process, and can guide students through applying to schools. I have significant writing experience from my time working as a speechwriter and communications intern at the White House, two federal agencies, and political nonprofits and campaigns, so I can also assist with written materials.

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Nile’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Georgetown University - Bachelor in Arts, Political Science and Government

Test Scores

LSAT: 174


Politics, Basketball, Sports Video Games, Reading

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