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A photo of Steven, a tutor from Texas Christian University


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My professional career took a detour one day when I was offered a position to teach at the Art Institute of Dallas. Having enjoyed the opportunity and success to teach and train employees over the years, I discovered a formal teaching position to be exciting, fun, and rewarding. Students did too, based on their feedback.

I graduated from Texas Christian University with a BFA in Graphic Arts.
Titles like Creative Director, Art Director, Graphics Manager, Copywriter, Designer, That Artsy Guy, followed after graduation.

Having designed for international, national, regional, and local firms, my skills to discuss concept, design, layout, and technique are well versed.

My strengths in production art developed my strengths in Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Acrobat, and several other apps. Skills also include troubleshooting hardware and software issues; predominately Mac, but have experience on PC.

Teaching creative, I have learned it is important to ask the right questions to prompt another's creativity. And, I still start with paper and pencil when developing concept, the computer is just a tool to develop it.

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Steven’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Texas Christian University - Bachelor in Arts, Graphic Design


Writing, painting, family time, drawing cartoons, camping, stage makeup, and reading.

Tutoring Subjects

Adobe Illustrator

AP Studio Art: 2-D Design

AP Studio Art: Drawing


Art Hour




Fine Arts

Graphic Design


Microsoft Office




Public Speaking

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Technology and Coding

Visual Arts

Web Design

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