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A photo of Clay, a tutor from New York University


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When I was in the fourth grade my parents paired me up with a tutor. At first, I didn't feel that I needed it and, in many ways, was uneasy about the whole concept; however, the dramatic improvement in my writing style and technique after the few months of working with her increased my performance in school tenfold. I keep chasing improvement even today. As a student at New York University, I study under some of the most talented professors in the world. Though my pursuit is far from over, I feel I can now help set others on the track to having a real passion for achieving academic excellence.

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Clay’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: New York University - Current Undergrad Student, United States Government and Politics

Graduate Degree: New York University - Current Grad Student, Public Administration


Rowing, Football, Hockey, History, Politics, Film,

Tutoring Subjects

College English


Essay Editing

European History

High School English

High School Level American History

High School Writing


Middle School Writing

Social Studies


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