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A photo of Alyson, a tutor from The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga


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I am currently in my gap year after receiving a B.S. in pre-professional Biology from UT Chattanooga. I have a full-time job as a medical scribe in an internal medicine clinic while I am in the process of applying to Physician Assistant graduate school. I greatly appreciate the importance of education, and would be thrilled to help motivate other students to realize their potential and succeed academically!

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Alyson’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - Bachelors, B.S. Biology pre-professional

Tutoring Subjects

Adult Literacy

American Literature

Anatomy & Physiology

AP Biology


College Biology

College English

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

High School Biology

High School English

High School Level American Literature

High School Writing


Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing


Public Speaking



Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

Spelling Bee


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