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A photo of Ariela, a tutor from University of Chicago


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One of my strengths, and one of the reasons that I am good at test taking, is my ability to organize information. It's a skill I use both in my academic life, as well as professionally; as a stage manager, it is often my job to take in complicated and conflicting pieces of information (the blocking, a quick change in costumes, changes in a script) and quickly organize that information so that I can convey it to someone else. I enjoy and excel at condensing and re-communicating facts or tasks, so that they become comprehensible to someone who may not understand them the first time around.

It is not just my success at standardized tests or in my classes that will make me a great tutor, but also this skill and enthusiasm about learning. I understand that sometimes, the way you package and organize information is the most important part of teaching it to someone else, and that understanding someone's method of processing this information is the easiest way to get it to stick. Like I do backstage, I am excited about solving the puzzle of how someone learns best, and inspired by the idea of recognizing the specificities of each individual and treating each student with understanding and empathy.

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Ariela’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Chicago - Current Undergrad, Theater & Performance Studies

Test Scores

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1590

SAT Math: 800

SAT Verbal: 800

SAT Writing: 770


Theatre, photography, art, exploring Chicago!

Tutoring Subjects

10th Grade Math

10th Grade Writing

11th Grade Math

11th Grade Writing

12th Grade Math

12th Grade Writing

9th Grade Math

9th Grade Writing

Advanced Placement Prep


AP Studio Art: 2-D Design


College English

College Essays

Comparative Literature


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

High School English

High School Writing

Homework Support


ISEE- Lower Level

ISEE- Middle Level

ISEE- Upper Level



Middle School Math




PSAT Critical Reading

PSAT Mathematics

PSAT Writing Skills


SAT Prep

SAT Math

SAT Mathematics

SAT Reading

SAT Verbal


Test Prep


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