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A photo of Ana, a tutor from University of Massachusetts Amherst


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Each one of us learns differently. My mission is to uncover the right paths to make it easier for you. I am especially sensitive to preferred learning styles and my strength is in personalizing instruction to fit my students requests and needs. You can be, you can do, you can learn whatever it is that you believe you can.

I am a teacher+tutor+coach+guide+mentor. I have worked with 2000+ children, teenagers, and adults from all over the world and spent 15 years teaching in public (elementary through high) schools. I have taught a large range of subjects and developed activities, materials, and curriculum in order to foster progress and dedication of all my students. My personal passion is connecting with people throughout the world and I specialize in language acquisition and cultural awareness. I communicate easily and effectively in Spanish (as well as in English) and also have proficiency in French, Italian, and Portuguese.

I will be honored to help you be and do your best.

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Ana’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Massachusetts Amherst - Bachelors, Bilingual Education

Graduate Degree: School for International Training - Masters, Teaching Spanish & English


¡bailar! tango y salsa/bachata/merengue/etc

Tutoring Subjects


College English

Conversational Spanish

Elementary Math

Elementary School Math


English Grammar and Syntax


High School English

Homework Support


ISEE- Lower Level

ISEE- Middle Level


Middle School Math




Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

Spanish 4

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Test Prep

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