Award-Winning ACT Test Prep in Tulsa, OK

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If you need to prepare for an upcoming ACT examination, Varsity Tutors can help by providing you with high-quality Tulsa ACT prep. Our courses have been expertly created and provide a group learning environment, or we can connect you with skilled private instructors who can work with you individually. Whether you are entering your junior year at Booker T. Washington High School or you're about to graduate from Bishop Kelley High School, it's imperative you give yourself the space in your schedule and the right resources to prepare for the ACT properly.

Unfortunately, many students simply don't realize how important this test is to their academic future. In part, this is because the test is usually taken so far in advance of when they much apply to universities. Because the goal is not at the forefront of their mind, test preparation can fall by the wayside. This is especially true if they do not have guidance throughout their preparation. Varsity Tutors provides several ways for students to receive professional academic guidance as they prepare for the ACT.

What can Tulsa ACT prep cover?

The ACT covers four key subjects; Math, Reading, Science and English. You will have a little less than three hours to finish all sections of the test. You have 60 minutes to answer 60 multiple choice questions on the Math section of the test. Remember to only practice with a calculator that will be allowed on test day! Students have 35 minutes to answer 40 questions each for the Reading and Science portions of the exam. The English section gives you have 45 minutes to answer 70 multiple choice questions. A Tulsa ACT prep class can help you work on developing any of the skills associated with the ACT.

If you want your writing skill assessed as part of your ACT experience, you will need to register for the ACT Plus Writing. By adding the Writing section to the ACT, you add 40 minutes to your testing time. During this segment, you answer one question that asks you to analyze three different perspectives and then provide your own perspective along with an analysis of the connections between your response and at least one of the given views. If you struggle with drafting and organizing your thoughts quickly, analysis and comparison, or writing with precision, you may want to add writing to your list of skills to work on as part of you Tulsa ACT preparation.

What are the benefits of taking a Tulsa ACT prep course?

As you're preparing for the ACT you need to remember that while the testing time as a whole seems generous, some of the sections have severe time constraints. You'll need to manage your time carefully in each portion of the examination if you want to ensure you have enough time to answer all questions, and you want to make sure you do answer them all. There is no penalty for guessing on the ACT, so leaving questions blank because you ran out of time will probably end up hurting your score. Working with professionals to prepare for the ACT can help you with time management strategies and offer testing tips to help you approach the test with more confidence.

When you register for a prep course, you won't have to wait for weeks to get started. All of our courses are divided into segments, and new segments begin each week. Whether you want to sign up for a two week or a four-week course, you will be able to get started quickly.

Your course is an entirely digital experience, but that doesn't mean it will be unfamiliar. You will meet with your teacher and classmates in a virtual classroom and interact with them in much the same way you would a traditional classroom. Online classes are great for anyone with a busy schedule because they provide quick access to learning material without the time and stress an added commute could add.

During class, your instructor will deliver lessons and facilitate group discussions and activities. Working with other students is a great way to gain insight into the test you may have otherwise missed. Often the answers we need are to questions we didn't know we had. Speaking of questions, if you need additional help, you can always ask your teacher questions for feedback on the lesson.

How is working with a Tulsa ACT tutor different from taking a class?

Working with a personal instructor is entirely different from working in a classroom where you have to share the attention of the teacher with other students. When you work with a tutor individually, you are the focus of their efforts. They get to know your personality, learning style, and academic needs and then create lessons based on the synthesis of that information. Each lesson you receive targets something you specifically need to review. Rather than spending time covering topics you've mastered, your time is spent only on those areas that could hold you back.

Another benefit of working directly with a tutor is greater scheduling flexibility. Any live classroom instruction must be scheduled so all students know when to attend and times are usually based around when the greatest number of people will be available. When you work privately with an instructor, you can choose days and times that work best for your schedule. Private sessions can be scheduled throughout the week and on weekends during the day and in the evenings.

If you have a hectic schedule and need flexibility when scheduling your sessions or if you know you want to have laser focus only on the topics you need to review, personal tutoring is a great solution.

How can I get started with Tulsa ACT prep?

Varsity Tutors makes it easy to get started with the Tulsa ACT prep that is right for your schedule and academic needs. The score you earn on the ACT can have a significant impact on your academic future. If you're ready to give yourself the boost you need to work towards your academic goals, let us help. Contact Varsity Tutors to get started today.

Contact us today to connect with a top Tulsa ACT instructor