Award-Winning German Lessons in Kansas City, MO

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Students who have decided to study the German language can sign up for Kansas City German lessons by contacting Varsity Tutors. Foreign language learning is often a requirement as part of a school's degree program at the high school and college levels. If you're like most students, you will begin learning German during your first years at a high school like Staley High School or a higher education institution like the University of Missouri - Kansas City. For those who are looking for some extra help with verb prefixes or pronunciation, Kansas City German lessons are a convenient and effective way to practice.

What will a German lesson cover?

As the native language for more than 90 million speakers, German is the official language of both Germany and Austria. German is also a member of the Indo-European language family and belongs to the West Germanic group, which also includes English, Dutch, and Frisian. While written German is quite uniform with only minor differences between the three countries, spoken German exists in many dialects, most of which fall under the High German or Low German dialectal groups. High German is spoken in the central and southern highlands of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, while Low German is the spoken language of the lowlands of northern Germany.

German lessons cover a variety of concepts. These include nouns, which inflect based on case, gender, and number. All three verb conjugation classes are also covered, as are common phrases, essential vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, and pronunciation. These are among the core concepts a German lesson can assist you in learning so that you can more fully grasp the new language you are hoping to learn.

What are the perks of the different types of Kansas City German lessons?

Varsity Tutors can set you up with two different types of German lessons: live, online classes and private German instruction. There are advantages to each, but no matter which option you choose, you'll learn from an expert in the language who enjoys sharing German with others. Kansas City German tutors and class instructors can offer you comprehensive language guidance to increase your confidence and understanding of the language. Additionally, the opportunity to speak and hear German on a regular basis can provide a vital tool for retention of skills like increasing vocabulary, honing pronunciation, and memorizing the rules unique to the German language.

Students who prefer collaborative lessons in an online space might flourish most in the camaraderie of a virtual German class. Classes are led by expert instructors who endure a rigorous interviewing and vetting process to insure they are highly qualified as well as good communicators. Through a live virtual platform, German classes bring the classroom right to you so that you can see, hear, and even interact with the instructor like you would if they were sitting in the same room as you. Why not take advantage of this great resource? Not only does learning and working with peers help the learner, but it also helps you save while you learn to say things like, "I heard your grandfather likes American football," in German.

If you are someone who prefers focused, one-on-one attention as you learn, enlisting the help of a Kansas City German tutor may be the best option for you. The private instruction of an expert tutor allows you to have the ability to work on your pronunciation with the support of a mentor. You will be able to spend as much time as you need to refine your understanding of German word order and noun inflection so that you can more effectively master the German language. A Kansas City German instructor can also use techniques and materials to assist you in engaging with the language based on your own personal goals, strengths, learning style, and extracurricular interests.

How can I enroll in German lessons?

Whether you're a college student trying to fulfill foreign language requirements, a student at Park Hill High School, or a German speaker looking to fine-tune your command of the language, we can help to get you enrolled in a German class or connect you with a tutor. Learning a new language involves constructing completely new cognitive networks in your mind, so it's always a good idea to make sure you have the support you need. Reach out to Varsity Tutors to get started in Kansas City German lessons, tutoring, or both. If you call today, you could be sitting down with your new German instructor in as little as 24 hours.

Contact us today to connect with a top Kansas City German instructor