Award-Winning ACT Courses & Classes in Albany, NY

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Wherever you are in your ACT prep, Varsity Tutors can get you started in an Albany ACT course that provides a more thorough review than the one you might be able to get on your own. The ACT will be one of the biggest hurdles you'll clear on your way through the college admissions process. If you are a student who is preparing to take the ACT, you may be wondering where to begin your studying and preparation.

For students who are seeking additional assistance as they begin their review or want to elevate their current studies, an Albany ACT prep course could be the perfect solution. If you choose to pursue this kind of help, you will be involved in collaborative online classes led by an expert instructor. ACT courses give you insight into both the content and the layout of the tests, and since the ACT is a crucial component to the college admissions process, it is important that you prepare yourself to perform at the best of your abilities.

What could an Albany ACT course help me review?

The ACT consists of four sections covering the following subjects: Math, Reading, English, and Science. The standard ACT has a total time limit of two hours and 55 minutes without a break. If you choose to take it, there is also an optional Writing section. The ACT Plus Writing has a total time limit of three hours and 35 minutes without breaks. There are a wide variety of skills you will need to know for the ACT, so seeking out the knowledge you can get out of an Albany ACT class is always a good idea. Let's take a look at each section.

The Math section consists of 60 questions and has a time limit of 60 minutes. Scored on a scale from one to 36, the Math section consists of multiple-choice questions intended to measure the mathematical skills one has typically acquired in the courses up to the beginning of grade 12. The subjects you will be tested on within the Math section include pre-algebra, elementary and intermediate algebra, coordinate and plane geometry, and trigonometry. With a calculator, you will also be expected to demonstrate knowledge of concepts such as number systems and numerical reasoning; solving, graphing, and modeling different types of expressions; interpreting equations; functions; geometric shape and solid measurement calculations; and distributions, data collection application and analysis, and probabilities.

Next, you'll take the Reading section of the test. This section consists of 40 questions and has a time limit of 35 minutes. Scored on a scale from one to 36, the Reading section includes multiple choice, passage-based questions intended to measure reading comprehension situations commonly encountered in the first year of college. This portion of the test will cover many different concepts including identifying central ideas and themes, summarizing ideas, and the understanding of different types of relationships. Other concepts featured include determining word and phrase meanings, differentiating between facts and opinions, and making connections between different texts.

The English section follows, and it allows 45 minutes to answer 75 questions. Scored on a scale from one to 36, the English section consists of multiple-choice, passage-based questions created to measure your understanding of English, production of writing, and knowledge of language skills. Like the Reading section, the English section is also focused on the subject of English, only this section covers conventions of English such as sentence structure, punctuation, usage, grammar, topic development, organization, unity, cohesion, and style and tone of language.

After the English section comes the Science section. The Science section allows you 35 minutes to complete 40 questions and is scored on a scale from one to 36. This section consists of multiple-choice questions that measure your interpretation, analysis, evaluation, reasoning, and problem-solving skills. The subjects tested include biology, chemistry, Earth/space science, and physics. Concepts include manipulating and analyzing scientific data presented in different formats, the scientific method, and other tools, procedures, and designs of specific investigation and experimentation.

Finally, there is the optional Writing section. The Writing section allows you 40 minutes to answer one question and is scored on a scale from two to 12. In this section, you will be provided an essay question that presents an issue and three different perspectives on that issue. You are encouraged to write a response that states your own perspective and analyzes the connections between your perspective and at least one of the three provided perspectives. This section aims to test the following English concepts: the writing skills generally taught in high school English classes and entry-level college composition courses, drafting and organization, and analysis and comparison. The Writing section is handwritten only.

There are a few additional things to consider in your preparation for the ACT. Testing times typically range from 8:00 AM to 12:35 PM if you take the ACT, and 8:00 AM to 1:35 PM if you take the ACT Plus Writing. There also may be a short experimental section after the Science section, which will be clearly marked and not factored into your score. Only #2 pencils are allowed, and it is important to answer every question you can, as there is no penalty for guessing.

How will an Albany ACT course help me prepare?

Each Albany ACT course is held in a collaborative, online environment, which allows for optimal learning and prep. In each class, you will be met with personalized attention from instructors who are educated and excited to help you learn. They can help you with things like time management, prioritization, organizational skills, how to answer test questions, and other skills that are essential to completing the ACT. The consistent feedback-based teaching styles of these tutors make for an encouraging work environment that is necessary for increasing self-confidence, working smarter, building strengths, and helping you make sense of what you don't understand.

How can I find an Albany ACT class?

Aside from helping you prepare for a key component in the college admissions process, taking a prep course is an investment in your future. Varsity Tutors can get you enrolled in the right prep course for you that fits your schedule. No matter what your long-term goals are, you've put so much time and effort into your education already, so why not invest the time you've set aside to prepare in a convenient, comprehensive way to review? Contact Varsity Tutors today to get more information on how an Albany ACT class could help you as you work toward completing the ACT and let us help you prepare for the future.

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