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A photo of Brandi, a tutor from University of Louisiana-Monroe


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I graduated for the University of Louisiana at Monroe in 2003 with a Master's Degree specializing in Special Education. In my 23 years of education experience, I've taught abroad and stateside with a specialization in Reading and Writing instruction. Since I began my career I've been certified to teach regular elementary school pre-K through 6th grade, and English as a Second Language. I've taught in Louisiana and Texas and currently hold a valid teaching license in Texas. My passion is in teaching the structure and process of writing for students at all levels. Writing can be such a daunting task for some students. It can be difficult to understand and master, however with the appropriate tools , and time, anyone can achieve greatness in the area of writing. As I have grown through my career, I have learned how important respect, trust, and open communication are between a teacher and their students. My philosophy of teaching rests on the relationships I build with my students, encouraging them to do their best at all times.

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Brandi’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: University of Louisiana-Monroe - Masters in Education, Special Education

State Certified Teacher


I am truly a creator/crafter. I absolutely love baking and have ventured out into all types of cakes, pies, and breads. I keep a garden all throughout the year, and enjoy learning about flowers and their medicinal properties. I use all natural products to make skin and hair care products. I am a life long learner and enjoy deepening my knowledge in all areas of my life. This interest pushes me to continue to research and learn the most up to date information in everything that I do.

Tutoring Subjects

ACT Writing


CLEP College Composition

Elementary School English

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


Essay Editing

Middle School Reading

Middle School Writing


Test Prep


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