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A photo of Abigail, a tutor from University of Mary Washington


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I am a graduate of University of Mary Washington. I received my B.A. in Spanish, and I double minored in Journalism and Social Justice. During my time in college, I completed a three-month long independent study program in which I researched the formative years of Chicana feminism. I also led a chapter of the Food Recovery Network, in which I helped organized weekly groups of volunteers to packaged food that went to residents of the Thurman Brisben Center, a local homeless shelter. Additionally, I was a staff writer and copy editor for The Weekly Ringer, our student newspaper. I have a passion for the Spanish language, and in my spare time, I love to use it any chance I get--when I'm not running or spending time with friends.

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Abigail’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Mary Washington - Bachelor in Arts, Spanish


Running Playing sudoku Hiking Going to concerts

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