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A photo of Maxwell, a tutor from Yale University


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I am an undergraduate student at Yale University. I am working towards a Bachelor of Science in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology along with a certificate of advanced language in Spanish. I currently do research studying changes in stem cells and gene expression during different planarian physiological processes. I am extremely interested in biochemical and biophysical processes, closely tied to my interest in STEM courses and education. I have the most experience tutoring math, science, and Spanish, using my personal and current education with feedback from previous students to refine my approach. In high school I started a student success center during covid to provide free online tutoring, providing tutors in all subjects during set hours of the week. I work hard to create a comfortable environment to reduce the stresses and pressures of tutoring, not only allowing me to enhance my student's education but do so in a way that is most suited to their learning styles. I have gone through the college application process recently and would love to share my knowledge of standardized testing (study tips, general questions, and subject-specific tutoring), college preparation, and the application process. Outside of the classroom, I dance for Sabrosura (Yale's Premier Latin Dance team), explore what borders campus on walks and hikes, and love trying new foods and experiences.

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Maxwell’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Yale University - Bachelor of Science, Molecular Biology

Test Scores

ACT Composite: 33

ACT Math: 33

ACT Reading: 33

ACT Science: 36


My free time is normally filled with rehearsal for Sabrosura, however, any additional time I spend going on walks and orienting myself with nature, gardening, and other outdoor activities as the weather permits. I also enjoy reading, thrifting, coffee/tea runs, and exploring what eateries are nearby.

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