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A photo of Bryce, a tutor from Edinboro University


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We only exist relative to one another, therefore we must proceed as one. I enjoy learning about mathematics, machine learning, and science in general, but I am also an avid seeker of useful information that can be applied to rational decision-making.

Tutoring/teaching is much more than the subject matter, and that is the philosophy that I bring. It is important that we seek a 360 view of the world when selecting sources for the sake of developing our disposition. We can not model the complexity of the world with a single equation or model, which is why we should seek to adopt and develop a many-model approach to nature. Through my experiences, reading, and writing habits, I offer a unique, first-principles thinking approach to understanding how phenomena and their relationship to the rest.

I will show you how to:
1) Break down a concept into its constituent parts.
2) Understand the necessity and function of each part.
3) Understand the relationship between each part.
4) Reassemble the pieces into the aggregate.
5) Understand how the moving parts work relative to the whole.

With each iteration, you will 'see' information that you missed before until you have refined your understanding of the concept as efficiently as possible.


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Bryce’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Edinboro University - Bachelor of Science, Applied Mathematics


I enjoy learning, writing about, and sharing what I learn. My other hobbies are Jiu-Jitsu, exploration, exercise, UFC, and good conversations.

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