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I am a graduate student at Hunter College working towards my Art History Masters. I received my BA at Eugene Lang College and studied American Theater History. Since graduation, I have worked as an EMT, I've worked on political campaigns, worked at the Met Opera, and lived in New York City. I am interested in tutoring anything in the Humanities, any of the Liberal Arts, though my strength is in History, given that is the area of my studies. I like to get to know the students I work with: I want to know what they are experts in, I want to know what kind of a thinker they are, and I want to discover what part of learning they may love.

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A.D.’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: The New School - Bachelor in Arts, Theater Arts

Graduate Degree: CUNY Hunter College - Master of Arts, Art History, Criticism, and Conservation


My hobbies include playing and obsessing over basketball, playing chess with my friends, going to museums uptown and downtown, cooking for my partner (I do my best!), volunteering for my community, listening to books on tape, and reading.

Tutoring Subjects


College English

College Government

College Level American Literature

College World History


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

Fine Arts


High School English

High School Government

High School Level American Literature

High School World History

High School Writing



Middle School English

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing


Presentation Skills

Public Speaking


Social Studies

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Visual Arts


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