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A photo of Mackenzie, a tutor from University of Washington-Seattle Campus


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I strive to teach students in an interactive way tailored to each student's individual needs, wants, and preferred method of study. As a student, I was consistently left disappointed with teachers who just taught curriculum with no real student engagement, so I seek to change that. I am a graduate of the University of Washington with degrees in Japanese History and Korean Language and Linguistics, with minors in Japanese language as well as Linguistics. I work as an editor and localizer in my spare time and am also an avid gardener and needleworker. While I tutor a variety of subjects, my favorites are Japanese and English. Communication is of utmost importance to me and the more languages learned, the easier it is to communicate and understand the world around us. I have been studying Japanese for 19 years and have a native fluency.

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Mackenzie’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Washington-Seattle Campus - Bachelor in Arts, Classical, Ancient Mediterranean, and Near Eastern Studies


In my spare time I love to be in my garden with my cat, Kimchi, I grow mostly medicinal plants that I dry and turn into salves, toners, etc! I also fan-sub anime, embroider, read, and write about comic books from time to time.

Tutoring Subjects

AP Japanese Language and Culture


Elementary School English


Essay Editing

Foreign Language




SAT Subject Test in Japanese with Listening

SAT Subject Tests Prep

Test Prep

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