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A photo of Nina, a tutor from Syracuse University


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Hello! My name is Nina Carlsen. I am graduating from Syracuse University in an accelerated 3 year program, majoring in Public Policy at the number one public affairs school in the nation: the Maxwell School. I am originally from Edison, New Jersey and a graduate of John P. Stevens High School. At Syracuse, I am the lead undergraduate researcher in the Public Affairs department, an executive board member of multiple student organizations, and of course succeed academically. I know how to excel, and I know the steps to get there. I am curious, creative, and above all, driven. These traits have helped me set myself up for success in college and in life. I hope to help your student do the same. Academics and test-taking are the means to a successful future. Through patience, hard work, and dedication, I will help your student rise to the top.

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Nina’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Syracuse University - Bachelor in Arts, Public Policy Analysis

Test Scores

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1460

SAT Verbal: 730


Reading, Hiking, Photography, Politics, Orchestra, Tutoring

Tutoring Subjects

AP English Language and Composition


College Economics

Conversational French


Elementary School Math

Elementary School Writing


Essay Editing


High School English

High School Level American History



Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing

PSAT Critical Reading

Public Speaking

SAT Reading

Social Studies

Test Prep



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