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A photo of Hunter, a tutor from University of South Florida-Main Campus


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It is truly an honor to be able to spread my years of knowledge to other individuals to watch them learn, grow, and achieve their full potential in not only academic studies, but all aspects of life, as it all carries over and is relative. The power of intelligence is immeasurable and invaluable, and it is my goal in life to help other recognize the vast amount of thought and greatness they are capable of achieving. If but one person succeeds in schooling and walks away knowing more than they showed up with because of my assistance, that is what it means to be to truly be living to help others.

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Hunter’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of South Florida-Main Campus - Bachelor of Science, Exercise Science


Physical activity, reading, yoga, stargazing, adventuring

Tutoring Subjects

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