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A photo of Brian, a tutor from Vanderbilt University


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I am a graduate of Vanderbilt, The Univ. of Cincinnati, The Univ. of Denver, Washington State Univ. and Wright State Univ. I have an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering, masters degrees in Materials Science, Business Admin, Statistics, and Industrial Engineering, and a PhD in Business Administration. Work has taken me to Georgia, Taipei Taiwan, central Washington state, Hawaii, western Texas, Toledo, Kalamazoo, and Winona WI. After spending ~5 years as an engineer for the Air Force and Lockheed Martin, I spent a dozen years as a Management professor, and now I'm back doing engineering as an Industrial Engineering consultant. I've also supported differently-enabled and developmentally disabled individuals for pay and as a volunteer across my career, and I spent . I also spent some time (~1 year) teaching and tutoring Chinese children in English, as a volunteer Big Brother, and as a member of the Tokelauan School in Hawaii singing in Tokelauan and dancing with children and young adults. I am a recent arrival to this tutoring-online thing, but my teaching style included a large tutoring component, and I can tutor a broad range of subjects, including math, statistics, Excel, English, writing, and chess. I think learning should be fun and I believe tutoring can be its own reward as I get excited when I can enable someone to calmly and confidently do something that they couldn't do before.

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Brian’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Vanderbilt University - Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering

Graduate Degree: University of Cincinnati - Master of Science, Materials Science

Graduate Degree: University of Denver - Master of Arts, Business Administration and Management

Graduate Degree: Washington State University - Master of Science, Statistics

Graduate Degree: Washington State University - Doctor of Philosophy, Business Administration and Management

Graduate Degree: Wright State University - Master of Science, Industrial Engineering


In my spare time, I enjoy learning fiddle tunes, guitar, reading, racing triathlons and all the training that goes with it, playing in chess tournaments, and hiking.

Tutoring Subjects



Business Analytics

Business Ethics

Business Statistics

Business Writing


College Business

College Statistics



English Grammar and Syntax

Grade 11 Math

High School Business

Industrial Engineering

Linear Programming



Math 3

Microsoft Excel

Middle School English

Middle School Math

Middle School Reading Comprehension


Performing Arts



Programming Languages

Quantitative Methods

R Programming




Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Technical Writing

Technology and Coding



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