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A photo of Gail, a tutor from Washington State University


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I have worked, in various capacities, as a teacher for over twelve years. Though teaching is not my degree, I began as a home school mom and then became a substitute teacher in public school, focusing on K-5th grade students. I have tutored no-child-left-behind students through the 12th grade and currently tutor K-6th grade students during the summer months. I taught my own class at a private Christian school last year. I enjoy helping students really understand the material and not just go through the motions. I use phonics heavily in order to help struggling readers and try to explain math concepts for retention.

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Gail’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Washington State University - Bachelor of Science, Agriculture, General


I enjoy gardening and farming. My area of study was plants and animals, so I have a deep love and appreciation of our world. I rode horses for thirty years, have owned an immense number of pets, and still live on a farm. I love Zumba, hiking, playing the piano, and am an artist in my spare time.

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


Late Elementary Reading Comprehension



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