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A photo of Elizabeth, a tutor from University of Massachusetts-Central Office


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My real name is Elizabeth but everybody calls me Betsey. I've been teaching college mathematics for over 50 years, even after retiring. I just love to teach! It's fun to get to know my students and I work to have some rapport with each as together we figure out a plan of study. I work through problems step by step at the student's speed communicating clearly what is needed. Working in the online environment is something I very much enjoy. I have an M.A. in mathematics from The University of Massachusetts and an M.S. in computer and information sciences from The University of New Haven. Learning is play!

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Elizabeth’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: University of Massachusetts-Central Office - Master of Science, Mathematics

Graduate Degree: University of New Haven - Master of Science, Computer and Information Sciences, General


Amateur Radio (also called ham radio) has been a hobby of mine for many years. With my twin sister, we have been active in emergency communications using radio "when all else fails." Classical piano is another avocation; some years ago, I played organ. I enjoy traveling and going to concerts. I find cooking relaxing--I love to cook and entertain at home. When time I have dabbled in cross country skiing. I like snow shoeing too.

Tutoring Subjects



College Math

Finite Mathematics

Foundations for College Mathematics

Grade 11 Math

Grade 9 Mathematics

Linear Algebra


Math 1

Math 2

Math 3

Microsoft Word


Principles of Mathematics



Technology and Coding

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