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A photo of Trevor, a tutor from University of Rochester


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Hello, my name is Trevor. I am a sophomore in college majoring in physics with minors in mathematics and music. I have a passion for teaching, and my goal for students is to make the subject material more approachable and make students feel more comfortable. I want my students to feel like they can be totally honest with me and themselves about their retention of the material. For all of my students, I will do my best to explain the concepts of the course material clearly and effectively while checking in with students frequently. I know what it is like to be struggling with a subject and how beneficial a tutor can be to students' learning. I want to be someone who my students enjoy spending time with while getting individualized help from me to grasp the material.

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Trevor’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Rochester - Bachelor of Science, Physics


One of my biggest hobbies is vocal performance; I love to sing classical and musical theatre. Other interests include tennis, chess, baking, playing piano, juggling, and swing dance.

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