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A photo of Heather, a tutor from Western Michigan University


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I am a graduate of Western Michigan University where I received my Ph.D. in Mathematics, specifically Graph Theory. I taught for over 20 years in academia at various institutions, including Grand Valley State University, the University of Vermont, and Illinois State University. Now, I am an editor for a large mathematical database located in Ann Arbor, MI. While I love what I do as an editor, I find that I am missing the one-on-one interactions with students that I found to be the most gratifying when I was teaching. I enjoy tutoring a broad range of subjects and feel strongly that everyone can be successful in mathematics. In my interactions with students, I strive to present things in a variety of ways to facilitate understanding and connection. I am available to tutor most afternoons and evenings and some weekends. In my spare time, I enjoy yoga, biking, reading, and spending time with family and friends.

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Heather’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Western Michigan University - Bachelor of Science, Mathematics

Graduate Degree: Western Michigan University - Doctor of Philosophy, Mathematics


Yoga, biking, spending time with family and friends, reading.

Tutoring Subjects

Abstract Algebra


Calculus 2

College Algebra

Discrete Math

Graph Theory and Combinatorics

Linear Algebra




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