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A photo of Rebecca, a tutor from Goucher College


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My favorite subject to tutor is essay writing because it shows a student's individual voice and affects the student's understanding of and performance in every other subject. My passion for hearing others and advocating for their personal success began when I worked as a student program liaison in Germany, continued through my legal career and informs every aspect of my tutoring methods. A great tutoring session happens, when I help a student to success on a particular assignment by giving them the tools to use language better, so that achievement comes easier in the future. Outside of tutoring, I like to find ways to help as a communications consultant, and caring for my family, friends and pets.

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Rebecca’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Goucher College - Bachelor in Arts, Philosophy

Graduate Degree: The University of Tennessee - Juris Doctor, Legal Studies


I love finding new books, new music and understanding new ideas in science like on the "Science Vs." podcast. When I need to move, it's an outside workout running, cycling, hiking, kayaking and riding horses.

Tutoring Subjects

Bar Exam

Contract Law

Conversational German


Essay Editing

Family Law


High School Writing



Professional Certifications


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