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A photo of Myles, a tutor from North Carolina State University at Raleigh


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I am a graduate of The University of Notre Dame. I received a Master of Theological Studies degree with a focus on Systematic and Historical Theology. I also have Bachelor of Arts degrees in History and Political Science from North Carolina State University. While I can tutor a range of subjects, I am most interested in helping students with graduate level test prep. I have recently studied for and taken the GRE, so I am well-positioned and passionate about helping students succeed with testing and graduate school admissions. Writing is another area of interest for me. I especially enjoy helping students develop their writing skills. I love learning and I want to help students learn to love it too. Learning is valuable for its own sake apart from any practical considerations. However, I do recognize that sometimes students need concrete, immediate, quantifiable results, and so I always keep a student's stated goal at the forefront. In my free time, I enjoy reading, listening to music, as well as watching and playing sports.

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Myles’ Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: North Carolina State University at Raleigh - Bachelor in Arts, Political Science and Government

Graduate Degree: University of Notre Dame - Master of Arts, Theology

Test Scores

GRE Quantitative: 169


Reading, Music

Tutoring Subjects

ACT Prep

ACT English

ACT Math

ACT Reading

ACT Science

ACT Writing

College Application Essays

College World History


Essay Editing

European History

GMAT Analytical Writing Assessment

GMAT Quantitative

GMAT Verbal

Graduate Test Prep


GRE Analytical Writing

GRE Quantitative

GRE Verbal

High School Level American History

High School World History

High School Writing



Latin 1



SAT Prep

SAT Math

SAT Reading

SAT Writing and Language

Social Sciences

Social Studies

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Test Prep

World History

World Religions


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