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Dana Johnson is a Business Instructor, Bitcoin enthusiast, Motivator, and a Financial Consultant who started his career in the music business after graduating from the American College of Switzerland. He also worked as a Financial Advisor for JP Morgan Chase, Merrill Lynch, and Santander Bank before starting his own firm Johnson Capital Global Advisory.

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Dana’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: American College of Switzerland - Bachelor in Arts, Economics

Graduate Degree: New York University - Master of Arts, Music Management and Merchandising


Exercising, Reading, Languages, YouTube videos, Cryptocurrency Trading, Dancing, Traveling, Languages, and netflix.

Tutoring Subjects


Business Ethics




High School Business

High School Economics

Insurance License

Professional Certifications

Public Speaking

Series 31

Series 63

Series 65

Series 7 - General Securities Representative Exam (Stockbroker)

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