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A photo of Karla, a tutor from Universidad Cuahnahuac


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Karla moved to Cincinnati, Ohio from Mexico in 2009. She graduated with honors from Cuauhnahuac University in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mxico with a B.S. in International Trade; in addition, she is a Technician in Computer Systems.
She used to work as a medical Spanish interpreter.
She enjoys helping others to learn Spanish and she loves teaching kids.

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Karla’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Universidad Cuahnahuac - Bachelor of Commerce, International Business


In her free time, she loves to watch horror movies with her husband, visit haunted amusement parks, play video games and of course, take her 19-month-old son to the park, take her dogs hiking, traveling and seafood.

Tutoring Subjects

Conversational Spanish



Spanish 1

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