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A photo of Skanda, a tutor from Vanderbilt University


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I have worked extensively as a tutor for years. In high school, I was a teaching assistant for the Physics department at my high school, and one of my responsibilities was making sure to instill a solid understanding of the fundamentals of physics during physics tutorial sessions. At university, I have joined tutoring organizations such as Vanderbilt Student Volunteers for Science (VSVS) and Code Ignite that both bring STEM to the community and attempt to inspire interest in children about the STEM fields. I believe that education is the best way to give any person from any background a chance to succeed, and that is why I work as a tutor and peer educator.

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Skanda’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Vanderbilt University - Bachelor in Arts, Biochemistry


Running, reading, swimming, watching/playing basketball.

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