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A photo of Isabella, a tutor from Howard University


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I am a senior Biology major, English/Chemistry double minor at Howard University. Despite being a Science major, I really love reading and writing and find it as a subject that comes naturally to me. That's why I did well on the Reading and English sections of the SAT and ACT. Psychology would have to be my favorite kind of science-based course. In fact, taking AP Psychology during my Junior year of high school inspired me to want to become a physician. Chemistry is another subject I have fared well in as I received As for both General Chemistry 1 and General Chemistry 2 during my freshman year of college.
Outside of school work, I love watching shows like Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, and Bob's Burgers. I also enjoying blogging and listening to some of my favorite artists like Drake and J.Cole.
Overall, I am a lover of learning and hope that I can be a factor to someone's success in reaching their goals!

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Isabella’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Howard University - Bachelor of Science, Biology, General


reading, writing, watching Netflix, listening to debates on the news, visiting museums, going sight-seeing, listening to Drake, J.Cole, and Sade

Tutoring Subjects

ACT English



Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


Essay Editing

High School Chemistry

High School Writing


Middle School Math

Middle School Writing



SAT Reading

SAT Writing and Language


Test Prep


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