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A photo of Timothy, a tutor from University of Virginia-Main Campus


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Greetings! My name is Tim Mannel. I graduated from the University of Virginia in May with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. As an older brother, former babysitter, and camp counselor, I have always enjoyed working with children of all ages. It was my own youthful fascination with the natural world which led me to study science - the kid in me is what helps me connect with children.
I place an emphasis on giving each child the tools they need to figure things out for themselves, especially for math and hard sciences such as chemistry. When students learn the correct way to approach problems, they learn not only their subject, but they learn "how to learn". Learning technical subjects need not be cold and rigid - creativity is valuable in any subject!
In short, I like to teach in such a way that the student learns how to do the problem themselves, instead of just copying the tutor's solutions.

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Timothy’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Virginia-Main Campus - Bachelor of Science, Biology, General

Test Scores

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1520

SAT Math: 770

SAT Verbal: 730

SAT Writing: 710


Drawing, reading books, and reptiles!

Tutoring Subjects

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