Award-Winning CPA Test Prep in Nashville, TN

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If you're ready to take the CPA exam, Varsity Tutors can help you find Nashville CPA exam prep. Aspiring certified public accountants are required to take the CPA exam as one of the steps to this career. Whether you finished your business, economics, or related degree at Belmont University, Tennessee State University or another nearby school, you should be reviewing the concepts you've learned before you take this important CPA exam. Taking a Nashville CPA exam prep course or connecting with a private tutor are a couple of ways to get a better comprehensive review. When you feel confident about the material, you may feel more prepared when you take the CPA exam.

What are the concepts I can review during Nashville CPA exam prep?

The Certified Public Accountant exam, or CPA exam, is not only required in the United States but in the US territories as well, making a total of 55 jurisdictions. The CPA exam has four main sections, including Business Environment and Concepts, Financial Accounting and Reporting, Auditing and Attestation, and Regulation. Each of these sections is divided into subsections, and the topics are wide ranging. You need to know how to assess risk and develop a planned response, understand a federal tax procedure, or refer to a business law case, among other concepts.

In addition to reviewing the content of the CPA exam, you might want to understand the format, too. Each of the four main sections has somewhere between 62 and 76 multiple-choice questions. They also all have nine task-based simulations except Business Environment and Concepts, which only has four. The Business Environment and Concepts section is the only one that has a written communication component. You'll have about four hours, or 225 minutes, to finish each section of the CPA exam, and you'll have 18 months to get all four sections done. To pass the test and earn your licensure, you need a score of at least 75 for all four sections.

What are the perks of Nashville CPA exam preparation?

Varsity Tutors can help you with exam prep in two ways: online group classes or private tutoring. Many students prefer one of these options based on the way they learn best. However, some students do prefer to take advantage of both services. Each option has its own perks, but whichever method you choose, you'll still have access to an expert instructor to help you with the content and format of the CPA exam. Now let's take a closer look at these two Nashville CPA exam prep services.

You might work best in a collaborative environment, so your preference might be a Nashville CPA exam prep class. Once you've enrolled in the class, you'll meet the other students and your instructor in an online classroom. Your academic mentor will teach each session using a video chat and a virtual whiteboard through our Live Learning Platform. Just like you would in a physical classroom, you'll be able to interact with your classmates and instructor by asking questions and participating in discussions. Maybe you're struggling with concepts in federal taxation of individuals. If you're still not understanding a difficult concept, you can always ask your instructor for one-on-one help.

Working with a Nashville CPA exam tutor is also a good way for you to review the material. A private instructor can spend as much time on a difficult topic as you need, trying different explanations or resources to help you fully understand something before you move on. During the sessions, your instructor's focus is on you and what you would like to accomplish. Your CPA instructor can get to know you and your learning style and use that information to plan your sessions. For example, your instructor might use flashcards to help you with the vocabulary you're struggling to understand in regulations. When you study one-on-one, you can use your time more efficiently to get through the areas you struggle with the most.

How can I enroll in CPA exam prep?

Whether you decide to enroll in an online group class or get connected with private tutoring, you'll have access to an expert instructor who is knowledgeable about the CPA exam and is ready to help you make the most of your review time. We offer flexible scheduling, so we'll help you find a way to fit either option into your busy schedule. Contact the educational consultants at Varsity Tutors to learn more about Nashville CPA exam prep. We're ready to get you registered today.

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