Award-Winning CFA Courses & Classes in Charlotte, NC

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Finding the right course to help you prepare for the CFA exam can be easy with a Charlotte CFA course provided by Varsity Tutors. We can help aspiring students and professionals get a comprehensive review from experienced instructors which can give them the confidence and skills they need to feel ready for the exam. The CFA is a very difficult exam and students need over 300 hours of study to cover the wide range of topics in the test. Many students from schools like the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and Queens University of Charlotte prepare months ahead for the CFA which is given annually in June. If you are also planning to take the test, it's best to plan ahead and have a structured approach to your study. With the Charlotte CFA prep course, we can help you prepare with an organized and comprehensive curriculum.

What are some of the topics a Charlotte CFA class can cover?

There are three levels - Level I, II, & III - that make up the test. You have to pass each Level before you can move to the next one. All of the Levels assess a candidate's knowledge of ethics and professional standards, investment tools, asset classes, and portfolio management and wealth planning. Students are given either a "pass" or "did not pass" result for each Level.

Level I has 240 multiple-choice questions divided into two 3-hour sessions with 120 questions each. To register for Level I, you'll need to have a bachelor's degree and at least four years of professional, full-time work experience. Level II has 120 multiple-choice questions divided into 18 vignettes (or case statement) with 6 questions each and 3 vignettes with 4 questions each. It also has two sessions with the morning session having 10 items and the afternoon session having 11 items. Level III combines essay questions and multiple-choice questions. It also has a morning session usually composed of 8-12 essay questions and an afternoon session with 11 questions composed of 8 vignettes with 6 questions each and 3 vignettes with 4 questions each.

Your Charlotte CFA class instructor can give you a comprehensive review of the topics covered in each CFA Level. These include Corporate Finance, Equity Investments, Fixed Income, Alternative Investments, and Financial Reporting and Analysis just to name a few. With the review materials provided in the class, you can become more familiar with the type of questions and format of the test. You can also learn some effective ways on how to develop good study habits and techniques in preparing for the test.

What are the advantages of enrolling in a Charlotte CFA course?

Studying with the guidance of experienced instructors can make a big difference in the quality of your CFA review. With an expert instructor's know-how experience with the CFA test and preparing test takers, you can gain insights into the content and format of the exam that you may not easily have when doing your studies alone. It can be easier to progress in your review and have a deeper understanding of topics you're struggling with since you have your instructor and can immediately get relevant answers to your questions.

You may also work on practice questions together with other students in the class so you can also learn from their perspectives. Studying with other students can help you learn new study skills, break the monotony of studying, and fill in learning gaps by comparing notes and discussing with other students. Of course, if you do feel that you need extra help on topics for the test, the course allows you to reserve one-on-one time with your instructor. This personalized attention can be an effective way to help you address your core difficulties and ask questions without feeling too self-conscious.

If you are also a student or employee who already has a hectic daily schedule but still wants to start preparing for the CFA, then you'll be glad to know that the course is offered entirely online and you can study at the comfort of your home. You will join a virtual classroom where you'll see and hear your instructor and classmates as if you were in a regular class. No need to worry about commuting or being late for your review.

How can I enroll in a Charlotte CFA course?

There are over 150,000 professionals in the world who have the CFA credential. You can also join this elite group and it all starts in passing your CFA. Call Varsity Tutors now so you can sign up for our Charlotte CFA course.

Contact us today to connect with a top Charlotte CFA instructor