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A photo of Meagan, a tutor from Walden University


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Teaching is my passion. I have taught for eight years: two years in 1st Grade Dual Language and six years in ESL Pre-K.

I believe that a teacher and parents should work together to support a child in their academic growth.

Teachers must utilize their students' interests to help them support the child academically.

I obtained a BA in Education in 2016 and a MSEd in Integrating Technology in the Classroom in 2022. I am currently in the final phases of my EdD in Educational Technology.

I was in the student organization Business Professionals of America in high school, where I won multiple awards for my expertise in Microsoft Word. I am certified in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

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Meagan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: Walden University - Doctor of Education, Education

State Certified Teacher


*Video Games *Reading *Charity Fundraising *Family Time *Learning New Languages *Learning About Different Cultures

Tutoring Subjects


Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading




Kindergarten Readiness




Puzzles and Brainteasers


Visual Arts

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