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A photo of Marisela, a tutor from UNIVERSIDAD ANTONIO DE NEBRIJA,


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My didactic methodology has as a priority, to simplify the teaching of foreign languages for students using the most current knowledge in language teaching. As a starting point, I always take into account the group of students in my class before designing the classes. For me, it is a priority to have communication and contact with my fellow teachers to understand the best way to proceed with the curriculum and course programming. It is also important to recognize approaches that include task- based activities, the use of cognitive grammar to explain common grammatical problems in students, the application of authentic materials in the classroom, gamification in the classroom, and an important emphasis on the communicative approach in the classroom. In addition, I have applied some materials that I created, to my classes and it is something that I am always willing to continue doing. In my university research, I specialized in the formation of Spanish in heritage speakers. I proposed extensive literature as a didactic tool in the classroom that helps develop vocabulary and grammar acquisition in students.

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Marisela’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: UNIVERSIDAD ANTONIO DE NEBRIJA, - Master of Arts, Linguistics


Literature, travel, learning new languages, Spanish dance, soccer

Tutoring Subjects


Adult Literacy

College Level American Literature

Conversational Spanish

Elementary School English

Elementary School Reading



High School Level American Literature



Middle School

Middle School English

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension




Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

Spanish 4

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

World Literature

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