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A photo of Reagen, a tutor from University of Arizona


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I recently graduated from the University of Arizona where I received a Bachelor of Science in Physics and Astronomy with a minor in Mathematics and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance. This college path allowed me to pursue all of the interests and I am excited to be able to tutor in these areas as well as others. I particularly enjoy tutoring math and physics because of the problem solving involved in teaching these subjects. I have found as a student myself that many students do not necessarily learn the standardized way. I like to show students how to look at problems in a different way that makes them less dauting. I believe the most important lesson I can teach students is how to use their mind to solve the problems in front of them, whether or not they have seen that exact problem. I started teaching/tutoring in high school and enjoy working with students of all ages. In addition to my academics, I also enjoy ballet dancing and Pilates.

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Reagen’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Arizona - Bachelor of Science, Astrophysics


Ballet Dance, Pilates, Cooking, Baking

Tutoring Subjects


AP Physics 2


College Physics

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


High School Physics

IB Dance

IB Physics


Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension





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