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A photo of Frank, a tutor from Saarland University Germany


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As the first academic in my entire, extended family, I was a completely lost college junior, had no plan, no experience, no help and also no clue where to find help. Out of luck, help found me one day and that changed everything. I graduated with honors and moved on to get my PhD. Two decades later, I am still very grateful and helping struggling students with Varsity Tutors is my way to pay it forward. Please do the same one day ;-)
Every student's motivation to strive for an education is unique and personal, so are their tutoring needs. I strive to create learning environments that promote clear expectations and scaffolding in order to invite students to structure new knowledge (e.g. in graphic organizers) and connect concepts to their daily lives.
I got my entire education in Germany, where I studied a healthy mix of Biology, Engineering and Computer Science called Technical Biology & Bionics (today it's called bioengineering and biomimicry) at the Saarland University, close to France. My PhD in Biology from the RWTH Aachen University in Germany was in the greater field of Biophysics and Bioelectronics.
I tutor mainly biology and subjects related to my minors. I was a science teacher in a middle school, a biology teacher in a highschool and currently teach undergraduate biology at the university level. I also teach German classes and was the Vice President of a German-American Society. A few years ago, I developed a new interest in Business and co-founded two tech-startups in Florida. I recently finished a MicroMasters Certificate in Business Foundations from the University of British Columbia using edX.

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Frank’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Saarland University Germany - Bachelor of Science, Biology, General

Graduate Degree: RWTH Aachen University Germany - Doctor of Philosophy, Biology, General


I am very interested in all Sciences, including biology, physics, space and computer science, but also handy-man jobs around my house in Florida.

Tutoring Subjects

AP Biology



Biomedical Engineering


Cell Biology

College Biology

Computer Science

Conversational German


Evolutionary Biology


German 1

German 2

German 3

German 4

Graduate Level Biology

High School Biology

IB Biology

IB Computer Science



Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office




Programming Languages


Scientific Programming

Technology and Coding


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