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A photo of Felix, a tutor from Brown University


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I'm currently a freshman at Brown University. I will most likely triple major in Ancient Greek & Sanskrit, Latin, and Japanese. I have had lots of experience tutoring those around me, such as friends, peers, and class mates, and I have always enjoyed seeing their progress as students. My tutoring experiences include after-school assistance to those struggling in Ancient Greek at my former high school, to helping Juniors and Sophomores help ace the SAT. My specialty is language and history, with an emphasis on Japanese, English, Latin, US history and World History, but I am also more than happy to help out those struggling with Algebra and Geometry. As someone who was once an ESL student himself, I believe that a good education rests upon the ability to comprehend, interact, and apply ideas. Besides academic matters, I am also fond of running, calisthenics, and Enka music.

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Felix’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Brown University - Bachelor in Arts, Classical, Ancient Mediterranean, and Near Eastern Studies

Test Scores

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1540

SAT Math: 790

SAT Verbal: 750


Linguistics, Ancient Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, Religious Studies, politics, Japanese, Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Running, Calisthenics, Medieval studies, youtube, and much, much more.

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