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A photo of Andrew, a tutor from University of Minnesota-Twin Cities


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As a chemical engineer, I look for opportunities where I can apply the knowledge I learned in school and industry to broader areas of work. Additionally, I look for problems and areas of work where I feel I'm solving problems that will help enhance people's lives.
The most challenging thing facing society right now is education. Education is the power of knowledge. With it, we can change the world we live in and create a better future. As a tutor, I can empower young adults by creating a base knowledge of concepts that they can apply to solve more complex problems. As a chemical engineer, I have seen the application of these concepts and I am passionate about teaching them to students working in the area of math and science.

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Andrew’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Minnesota-Twin Cities - Bachelor of Education, Chemical Engineering


Fishing, Hockey, Outdoor activities

Tutoring Subjects

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